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Clothing, Shirt, Face

Shah on property: are the Reuben brothers the world’s toughest value investors?

David and Simon have made billions paying the lowest possible price for assets – so don’t be surprised by a little loan-to-own

Architecture, Building, Office Building

Could cheaper money signal the return of big-ticket deals?

The market is watching to see where liquidity and pricing ends up for larger office assets

Building, Architecture, Car

The fourth wave: what's really behind the latest rush into retail parks?

The economics of retail returns is driving occupational demand

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Accreditations can reduce sustainability to a box-ticking exercise

Flaws mean certifications do not always deliver the best environmental outcomes

Clothing, Shirt, Face

Shah on property: a younger generation is being squeezed by higher taxes

People in their thirties and forties are coming of age as the burden hits an 80-year record

Cineworld restructuring case gives landlords little cause for hope

Agreements not to seek any further compromise on lease terms failed to stop the cinema chain

Accessories, Formal Wear, Tie

Labour's first 100 days leaves investors with more questions than answers

Honeymoon period has turned into anything but for Sir Keir Starmer

Clothing, Glove, Baby

Healthcare steps out of the hospital and on to the high street

More mature markets such as the US and China show us the benefits of retail-based clinics

Architecture, Building, Construction

Why institutions are moving in to affordable housing

The sector’s long-term prospects are supported by both demographic trends and policy priorities