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Mark Mwaungulu

Architecture, Building, City

Cohort readies maiden £500m European property debt fund

The firm will aim to provide senior-stretch loans to standing assets

Architecture, Building, City

Fiera provides development loan for Valencia student scheme

Manager originates €19.15m loan to consortium of equity managers

Blue Noble aims to raise €80m for fifth opportunistic vehicle

Investment manager plans to debut in European logistics market

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City, Water, Waterfront

Caerus preps €750m property debt vehicle

German firm due to formally launch fund in third quarter

Bain Capital exec to join luxury hospitality firm

Ali Haroon will take over from the departing Fabio Longo

City, Metropolis, Urban

Arcano Partners targets €200m for Iberia value-add fund

Spanish manager raising equity for third vehicle in series

Outdoors, Transportation, Truck

BN Bank and Union provide €65m Norwegian logistics refinancing

Transaction marks first loan originated by Union’s debt fund

City, Architecture, Building

Atlas Capital to start maiden property debt fundraise in fourth quarter

Firm set up by former Bain duo Sean Tarrant and Christoph Nickel to focus on deal-by-deal origination in meantime