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Green light for Forshaw's Manchester mixed-use scheme

Development will comprise 224 apartments, aparthotel and coffee bar

Architecture, Building, Cityscape

Chinese tycoon explores £500m City tower sale

Developer to sound out buyers for 48-storey office project

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Five ways to finally get to grips with the housing crisis 

The chief executive and founder of Realstar's Uncle lays out priorities for next government

M&S explores £40m of logistics sales

LSH is running the double disposal for the retailer

Landsec and British Land: gearing up City Plan 2040

Past and present CPA chairs Ross Sayers and Gareth Roberts discuss the Square Mile’s future

Home REIT scheduled to finally publish 2022 results

Shares in the company were suspended in 2023 after it failed to publish the accounts

Green light for Belfast Harbour's £60m Quays 5 development

Office-led scheme will comprise 160,000 sq ft of space over nine storeys

Irish investment volumes rebound in second quarter

CBRE data shows deal activity recovering after slow start to the year