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M&S explores £40m of logistics sales

LSH is running the double disposal for the retailer

Irish investment volumes rebound in second quarter

CBRE data shows deal activity recovering after slow start to the year

Electronics, Screen, Computer Hardware

Non-bank lenders to lead upward trend in European financing

Industrial and multifamily are top sectors for lending, CBRE survey finds

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Clothing, Pants, Jeans

Trio launch fresh industrial venture

Evo Lake will focus on logistics and light industrial acquisitions and developments

Charity group acquires Walsall warehouse

Parallel 113 was sold by St Francis Group for an undisclosed sum

Segro secures consent for east London logistics park

Segro Park Courier Road will provide up to 310,000 sq ft of space

Joint venture plans £135m Kent logistics scheme

500,000 sq ft industrial development to address shortfall in the area

Green Street enters Canada amid global expansion strategy

Company to provide research under Fred Blondeau's leadership while six journalists will set news agenda