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James Buckley

Architecture, Building, Cityscape

Chinese tycoon explores £500m City tower sale

Developer to sound out buyers for 48-storey office project

Urban, City, Symbol

ICG carves out first sale from £125m Vodafone portfolio

Telecoms provider’s Southwark nerve centre is on the block

Neighborhood, City, Person

USS opts for £40m Golden Square sale

Second asset on the famous square offered this week

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Person, Clothing, Footwear

Barings and LBS secure first Tide Bankside letting

Costello Medical is the first occupier to sign up to the scheme

City, Metropolis, Urban

Chinese Estates eyes £800m London office project exit

Listed Hong Kong investor looks to raise capital as contractors down tools

City, Architecture, Building

Aviva puts £75m price tag on London office

Fund manager to offload newly refurbished Golden Square block

City, Architecture, Building

Spitalfields university block touted for £33m

Coal Pensions Properties offers City asset

Clothing, Apparel, Person

€1bn cold storage sale catches fire

Platform has 26 sites across UK, Ireland and Continental Europe

City, Urban, Architecture

Chinese Estates to offload £135m Mayfair trophy

Investor looking to secure profit from prime West End asset sale