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6 Mar 2024 | 15:15 GMT | by Franciszek Bryk
The real estate specialist believes that AI might change the industry sooner than expected
McLaren Property appoints Homes England development manager to York Central team
Clearbell launches £150m logistics joint venture
Atom Bank to relocate HQ to Newcastle’s Pattern Shop
Green light for Fitzrovia office redevelopment
GPE secures largest letting at Fitzrovia office
Student specialist hires development director
€80m Irish student sale to tempt investors
Bridges and Wrenbridge secure site for £50m logistics hub
Lender takes control of £120m art deco City office
Assura board recommends fresh KKR-led offer
Private equity powerhouses team up for Warehouse REIT bid
Lender takes control of £120m art deco City office
Shah on property: Zakay v Zakay – the industry’s next big brotherly bust-up?
Prime London offices are no longer the only game in town
Luxury office group enters UK with 400,000 sq ft portfolio ambitions
Copley Point and Sixth Street land £100m+ under-the-radar deal
AEW pulls £140m Oxford Street sale as values improve
Hines creates new European leadership roles
Private equity giant closes in on £100m+ Manchester BTR debut
Octopus launches £750m credit fund