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CNBC to create multimedia hub at Fleet Place

US business news channel recommits to Holborn

Q+A: CBRE IM – "Core capital has definitely returned"

Paul Gibson, EMEA CIO, and Jan-Willem Bastijn, head of EMEA transactions, discuss fundraising, political and macroeconomic risks and debt

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City, Architecture, Building

Hayfin buys European loan portfolio from Oaktree 

Loans are secured against hotel, residential and office assets

Henry Boot’s Tim Roberts on “rock-solid” balance sheet and future pipeline

Logistics and planning also in the spotlight in group’s results

Architecture, Building, Office Building

Japanese investors acquire stake in new Deutsche Bank HQ

Sotetsu Urban Creates and Yasuda Real Estate make UK property debut

Prime €19m Dublin retail opportunity hits the market

Savills Ireland is seeking buyers for 65-66 Grafton Street