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Architecture, Building, Cityscape

The Scottish rent control experiment: how not to do it

SNP rent control policies have made Scotland a “no-go zone” for investors

City, Architecture, Building

Mayfair scheme approved despite £36m reduction in affordable housing payment

Maple Springfield's plans for for 63-65 Curzon St approved as affordable housing payment is reduced to £2m

Labour's plan is a start – but more needs to be done to tackle planning woes

We need a greater focus on collaboration to tackle nimbyism and the planning system's adversarial nature

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Machine, Motor, Engine

Most renewable projects in UK fail to get past planning

Analysis by Cornwall Insight reveals challenges in hitting clean energy targets

Manchester regeneration legend Howard Bernstein dies

He was regarded as one the chief architects of Manchester's resurgence over the last four decades

Adult, Female, Person

Labour vows to ease rental crisis and clamp down on "unscrupulous" landlords

Labour pledged that renters will be “better off” with the party

Construction, Construction Crane, Architecture

Work to be halted on 50 high-risk projects by safety regulator

Liquidation of AIS Surveyors means schemes must be validated before work can continue

BPF urges next government to improve planning system without radical reset

Focus should be on improving the current system rather than "ripping it up and starting again"

Planning decisions reach 20-year low

Applications fall to all-time low amid planning gridlock and stagnant development