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North West

Green light for Forshaw's Manchester mixed-use scheme

Development will comprise 224 apartments, aparthotel and coffee bar

City, Road, Street

Backers on board for £60m Manchester student scheme

Development will add much-needed stock to undersupplied city

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Maslow lends £45m to Heaton Group for Salford resi scheme

First phase of Berkeley Square will deliver 250 luxury flats

Chancerygate and Hines plan £39m Oldham logistics scheme

Pair have acquired a site in Broadway Green

Manchester regeneration legend Howard Bernstein dies

He was regarded as one the chief architects of Manchester's resurgence over the last four decades

Buyer sought for £41m Manchester resi portfolio

Four properties totalling 163 rental apartments were acquired from Beech Holdings in 2019

Church of Scientology revives Old Trafford plans

Planning consent to redevelop the building was given in 2019 but has now lapsed