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Five ways to finally get to grips with the housing crisis 

The chief executive and founder of Realstar's Uncle lays out priorities for next government

Architecture, Building, Cityscape

The Scottish rent control experiment: how not to do it

SNP rent control policies have made Scotland a “no-go zone” for investors

What do anti-greenwashing rules mean for real estate?

New sustainability disclosure requirements are hard to navigate, but early movers could reap rewards

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Labour's plan is a start – but more needs to be done to tackle planning woes

We need a greater focus on collaboration to tackle nimbyism and the planning system's adversarial nature

Oliver Shah

Shah on property: what I learned from two-wheeled trauma on Tourmalet

A five-day property bike ride in the Pyrenees proves gruelling but rewarding

Retail’s renaissance: from resilient to resurgent

Commentators who sounded the death knell for in-person shopping spoke too soon

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Managing the manifesto hyperbole

Both main parties have committed to building more homes – but is it all too good to be true?

Body Part, Finger, Hand

No one rings a bell at the bottom of the market

Those waiting for cheaper pricing may end up chasing assets in a rising market